
February 28, 2022
OhioLink Service Disruption
UPDATED 4/18/22 OhioLink book delivery will be suspended March 11. Use InterLibrary Loan for book requests during that time. OhioLINK made a change last summer in the courier company that delivers materials between libraries all around the state. Unfortunately, the new company has proven unable to meet the demands of this... Continue Reading

February 28, 2022
Ohio 5 Student Collaboration Critical Information Literacy Survey
Students, tell us what you'd like to learn in a library information session through a social justice and anti-racist lens by taking a three minute, anonymous survey. Librarians from the Ohio5 (College of Wooster, Denison University, Oberlin College, Kenyon College and Ohio Wesleyan University) developed the survey to help us... Continue Reading

February 17, 2022
Love Week in the Libraries
Valentine's Day has come and gone but it's always a good time to celebrate love in all of its many forms. The Libraries have a great lineup of fun activities and displays next week (February 21-25) to help you show yourself (and others) a little bit of love this season. Check Campus Digest and our social media to find out more! Continue Reading

February 11, 2022
Celebrating Women in Science: Althea Sherman
On today's International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we would like to highlight a fascinating Oberlin College alumna. Althea Rosina Sherman received the A.B. degree in 1875 and the A.M. degree in 1882 from Oberlin College, both degrees in art. She went on to teach art at Carleton College and was later supervisor of art... Continue Reading

February 10, 2022
Douglass Day Transcribe-a-thon 2022
Oberlin College Libraries will celebrate Frederick Douglass’ birthday by participating in the Douglass Day Transcribe-a-thon event on Monday, Feb. 14, 2022. This year's theme is “Black Women in the Colored Conventions.” We will transcribe the records of the Colored Conventions, the nineteenth century’s... Continue Reading

December 17, 2021
Library Items Due
Materials borrowed through ILL and OhioLink should be returned to the library before you leave campus. Please return ILL and Ohiolink books along with any library materials you don’t need before you leave for break to a circulation desk or book drop before leaving campus. Thank you. Continue Reading

December 16, 2021
The Libraries Commemorative Calendar is Back for 2022!
In an effort to increase donor support and engagement, Oberlin College Libraries have once again created a themed calendar for distribution. Each month, this brand-new calendar, 2022: Treasures from the Libraries, will unveil treasures from the libraries of Oberlin College and Conservatory. Donors who make a gift of $100 or... Continue Reading

December 16, 2021
Requesting scans of library materials
You can still use the libraries while finishing the semester remotely. We are happy to send you pdf scans of individual chapters or articles. The best way to request a scan is to create an ILL request, even if what you need is available locally in one of our libraries. Access ILL using the red “MY ACCOUNT” button on... Continue Reading

December 03, 2021
Happy Founder's Day!
188 years ago on December 3, 1833, the Oberlin Collegiate Institute (name changed to Oberlin College in 1850) opened for its first class. The campus looked much different than it does today, and would have looked similar (and even smaller) to the partial view of Oberlin watercolor by H. Alonzo Pease, 1838, pictured... Continue Reading

November 15, 2021
The Oberlin College Archives are hiring!
Are you a current or recent graduate student in library science, archival studies, or history? Just starting out in your archival career? Our Archives and Special Collections Intern position may be the perfect opportunity for you! You must have a Masters degree or have a substantial amount of coursework towards your Masters... Continue Reading