
April 19, 2022
Celebrate National Park Week! Film Viewing in the Science Library
This Thursday, April 21 at 7pm, join the science library staff for a viewing of Our Great National Parks narrated by former President Barack Obama. See the trailer for this five-part docuseries at Attendance is limited to 30. Location: computer classroom, Science Library (N181 Science Center).... Continue Reading

April 18, 2022
Tiny Ref Desk Concert @ noon, 4/28, with Quintessence
Vist the Oberlin Conservatory Library at 12 noon (ET), April 28, 2022, either in person on Instagram @obieconlib, for a Tiny Ref Desk concert with the Quintessence woodwinds and horn quintet. Quintessence: Ben Smith, Flute; Jon Kronheimer, Oboe; Katelyn Poetker, Clarinet; Oved Rico, Horn; AJ Neubert, Bassoon Program: Wind... Continue Reading

April 16, 2022
Contribute! Anyone can be a citizen scientist during Citizen Science Month!
April is both Earth Month and Citizen Science Month - a great time to contribute to our understanding of life on Earth by identifying plants and animals around us. It's a lot of fun using the app iNaturalist. The Science Library has been using iNaturalist for a few years, under the name "obiescilib." Try it, or get involved in... Continue Reading

April 15, 2022
Library Tours
Have questions about the library? Feel like you don't understand our services or collections? Take a library tour, offered monthly at each branch (Terrell, Art, Conservatory, Science, Archives & Special Collections. Register Continue Reading

April 15, 2022
Easter Egg Hunt at the Art Library!
Happy Spring! This month we are doing an Egg Hunt in the Clarence Ward Art Library stacks from April 11-30! Look for books with colorful paper eggs and bring them up to the circulation desk to be entered into a raffle for a Slow Train Gift Card! The more eggs you find, the greater your chances to win. What are you waiting... Continue Reading

April 07, 2022
Earn $20 at a Focus Group
Take charge of your education. Librarians from across the Ohio Five want you to tell us what you want to learn about library research and how you’d like to learn it. The libraries are conducting both in-person and online focus groups throughout April. Each participant will receive a $20 incentive (either a gift card or... Continue Reading

April 05, 2022
A Writer & Her Reader: Robin McLean and Dion Graham
Join us on Tuesday, April 12 at 4:30 PM in Craig Auditorium, Science Center, 119 Woodland St., Oberlin for A Writer & Her Reader, featuring Robin McLean and Dion Graham. The talk is free and open to public in person or via Zoom. Masks are required indoors. McLean and Graham will discuss McLean's acclaimed new work, Pity... Continue Reading

March 15, 2022
The Oberlin College Archives are Hiring!
The Oberlin College Archives are excited to announce the opening of the 2022 Weidenthal Undergraduate Summer Internship.This internship is 10 weeks long and open to any undergraduate (not just Oberlin College students) as long as they have completed two semesters at their institution. The applicants should be pursuing a... Continue Reading

March 14, 2022
Paving the Way and Then Some!
Petite and always impeccably dressed, Shirley Chisholm was a natural trailblazer. Born in Brooklyn, New York, on November 20, 1924, to Ruby and Charles St. Hill, Barbadian and Guyanese immigrants, Shirley Chisholm won her first Congressional seat at the age of 43 in November 1968. She was re-elected six more times to Congress... Continue Reading

March 04, 2022
bell hooks Read-In
Join us for a bell hooks Read-In event on Tuesday, March 8 from 4:30pm-5:30pm in the Academic Commons (first floor of Mudd). bell hooks was a national treasure -- scholar, author, professor, feminist, activist and so much more -- who died in December 2021. Oberlin's BHM celebration -- which extends into March this year and... Continue Reading