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Terrell Main Library

8am - 8pm

Terrell Fourth Floor

8am - 8pm

Circulation Desk

8am - 8pm

Research Help Desk

2:30pm - 4:30pm

Terrell Research Help Desk (Semester Evening)


Libraries Administrative Office

8:30am - 5pm

Azariah's Cafe

8am - 2pm



Mary Church Terrell Main Library
148 W College St. Oberlin, OH 44074-1545


The main visitor lot is the east Service Building lot, and the south row of the Carnegie Building lot for visitors to offices within that building.

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Search Tools

Use these key resources to take your research to the next level. Explore the most effective tools for finding and citing books, articles, and primary sources at the Oberlin College Libraries.


Summon provides access to millions of sources of all types (books, articles, audio, videos, images, etc.) on nearly any subject. Summon searches many, but not all, Oberlin College Libraries resources; comprehensive research should include subject databases. It searches the full text of some, but not all, Oberlin books, including books that Oberlin only owns in print.

If you are looking for a specific book, film, or journal, use OBIS, our catalog. If you are looking for a specific journal article, use the Journal Finder. Summon also includes the collection of the Allen Memorial Art Museum as well as materials from other research centers and open access repositories.

Summon provides access to millions of sources of all types (books, articles, audio, videos, images, etc.) on nearly any subject.

Databases A-Z

The Databases A-Z list provides a complete alphabetical list of searchable databases accessible to you through the Oberlin College Libraries. The databases range from those that cover multiple subject areas, e.g. JSTOR or Web of Science, to more narrow research topics, e.g. SOCIndex.

They contain both citations and full text for ebooks, peer reviewed journals, newspapers, magazines, data sets, images, music, primary documents, and more. You will want to use them for finding credible and scholarly materials required for your college research.

If you are unsure which databases are best for your research topic try using the subject and type filters, consult a subject or course guide, Ask a Librarian, or make a research appointment.

Searchable platforms of published, reliable articles, primary sources, books, videos, and audio, covering a wide variety of subject areas.

OBIS Catalog

OBIS provides access to print and digital books, databases, audiovisual materials, journals, and course reserves. It is the best place to look up books, recordings, journals, and films by title to determine if you can access an item through Oberlin. To see if Oberlin has access to an individual article, use the journal list. OBIS makes it easier to search by subject heading than Summon does, but it does not index the full-text of any books.

In addition to books available at Oberlin through OBIS, patrons also have access to collections from a number of public, university, and college libraries in the state of Ohio through Oberlin College’s partnership with the OhioLink consortium and SearchOhio.

The online library catalog of all print and electronic materials held by the Oberlin College Libraries.

Journal Finder

The Journal Finder lists in one place every print and electronic journal, magazine, and newspaper available through both paid subscriptions and reputable open access platforms. Use the Journal Finder to see if Oberlin subscribes to these publications, to see if they're available online, or to compare coverage dates across databases or subscription services.

The Journal Finder will not allow you to search by article title to determine if Oberlin owns an item - you must search by publication title (e.g. Nature or The New York Times) and then navigate through the volume and issue and year provided by the citation. If you want to search by article title, search for the article from Summon.

The most authoritative, thorough, and complete list of full-text journals, magazines, and newspapers maintained by the Oberlin College Libraries.

OhioLINK Catalog

A virtual statewide library that displays information for items owned by OhioLINK libraries, a consortium of over 100 college, university, and research libraries in Ohio. Items described include books, journals and periodicals, audiovisual materials, sound recordings, electronic resources, government documents, archives and manuscripts, maps, and music scores.

The catalog provides bibliographic descriptions and indicates where copies are located and whether or not copies are available. The OhioLINK Central Catalog allows for delivery of requested items to a member library of your choice. Terrell Main Library is Oberlin’s pickup location for OhioLINK items. OhioLINK's design allows you to transfer a search from our local library catalog, OBIS, to the OhioLINK combined catalog with the touch of a button. Likewise, a search can just as easily transfer from OhioLINK or OBIS to the public library network Search Ohio.

Statewide library catalog which allows you to identify, request, and borrow materials online from more than 100 libraries across Ohio.


WorldCat contains more than 43 million records describing books and other items owned by libraries around the world. You can search for popular books, music, CDs, and videos—all of the physical items you're used to getting from libraries. You can also discover digital content, such as downloadable audiobooks. Use InterLibrary Loan to order materials that you locate on WorldCat.

More than 43 million records describing books and other items owned by libraries around the world. You can search for popular books, CDs, and films.

The Oberlin College Archives finding guides provide detailed descriptions of archival collections.

Digital Commons

Digital Commons is the home for scholarly and creative expressions by Oberlin College & Conservatory faculty, staff, and students. Browse or search the open access institutional repository for descriptions of, links to, and in some cases, copies of work produced by members of the community during their time at Oberlin College & Conservatory.

Digital Commons is the home for scholarly and creative expressions by Oberlin College & Conservatory faculty, staff, and students.

Reserve Materials

The libraries provide access to course readings by utilizing the Course Reserves service. Items can be placed on physical reserve within the libraries (books, DVDs, etc.), or digital files (print, audio, or video) of library materials can be placed online for ease of access (either through the library's ERes service or on Blackboard). Loan periods vary by branch.

Access to materials professors identify as important to a course which have a short loan period. Items may be available on physical reserve or online.