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10am - 4pm



Mary Church Terrell Main Library
148 W College St. Oberlin, OH 44074-1545


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Request Materials: Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a resource sharing service for current students, faculty, and staff that provides access to materials not held at Oberlin or in OhioLink from libraries around the world.

Before creating an ILL request

Search OBIS, the OhioLINK Library Catalog and the SearchOhio Catalog to see if there is an available copy of the material you need. You can borrow books, scores, volumes of periodicals, and audio and video recordings from other OhioLINK libraries by using the REQUEST option.

If you are not able to get what you need from OhioLINK or SearchOhio, you may request it using our ILL service.  We are usually able to borrow materials from libraries outside Ohio and obtain copies (usually scans that are delivered to you electronically) of articles or sections of books. 

Using InterLibrary Loan

If you have an ILL account, sign in at Interlibrary Loan (ILL) to make and manage your ILL requests, including checking on the status of requests, accessing materials delivered electronically, and requesting renewals. Please provide as much information as possible, and allow time for books, scores, DVDs, etc. to arrive via mail, which typically takes 1-2 weeks.  Most libraries do not lend journals. Loan periods and policies vary, and are determined by the lending library.  Scans of articles and chapters usually arrive much quicker.  Limit scan requests to one chapter or article per request.

Create an InterLibrary Loan Account

Blank page to create an account on Interlibrary Loan, screenshot.

Browse to the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) link on the library homepage and choose the Create Account tab.

As prompted, enter your first (given) and last (surname) name, library barcode number (the number starting 29362 on the front or back of your physical ObieID or under your name in the ObieID mobile app.)

Create a password (passwords must be at least 9 characters with at least one non-alphabetic character. The characters semicolon (;), colon (:), apostrophe ('), and period (.) are not allowed)

Enter your email address.

Once your account is created, you can sign in at Interlibrary Loan (ILL) and start making and managing your ILL requests, including checking on the status of requests, accessing materials delivered electronically, and requesting renewals.

To Activate or Edit an Existing Account

Blank sign in page for Interlibrary Loan, screenshot.

Your Interlibrary Loan account username is your library barcode from the front or back of your Oberlin College ID or library card, or listed under your name in the ObieID mobile app. If you were issued a new ID, you must contact ILL staff at or call x55039 to update your library barcode.

Activate or change your password:

  • Browse to Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
  • Select Set/Reset password
  • Enter your library barcode number (the number on the back of your ID, starting 29362)

You will receive a very generic email from Library Password Management at with the subject Request to manage library password

Follow the link in the email and select a new password. Once your password is created, you can sign in at the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) and start making and managing your ILL requests, including checking on the status of requests, accessing materials delivered electronically, and requesting renewals.

Activate or change your password

  • Browse to Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
  • Select Set/Reset password
  • Enter your library barcode number (the number on the back of your ID, starting 29362)

You will receive a very generic email from Library Password Management at with the subject "Request to manage library password"

Follow the link in the email and select a new password. Once your password is created, you can sign in at the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) and start making and managing your ILL requests, including checking on the status of requests, accessing materials delivered electronically, and requesting renewals.