Renewals & Returns
The libraries welcome the use of our collections and extend generous loan periods. We request that you keep your record up-to-date by renewing or returning materials when they are due.
Online Renewals
Some library materials may be renewed online.
To view a list of all the items currently checked, use your name and library barcode to sign into the My Library Record feature in our online catalog. You can select items for renewal and hit "renew" through your account.
Your library barcode number is the number starting “29362” printed on the front or back of your Oberlin College ID/library card, or under your name in the ObieID mobile app.
If the renewal is allowed, a confirmation message and a new due date will appear next to each renewed item e.g.: "RENEWED Now due MM-DD-YYYY".
Be sure to note the new due date!
Automatic Renewals
Some library materials are renewed automatically for you before the items are due. When this happens, you will receive an email informing you of the due dates of the items checked out.
You may have a mix of successful and unsuccessful renewals, so please pay particular attention to the dates in the messages you receive.
Renewal Restrictions
Some Oberlin College Library materials, such as reserve items, video recordings, and items checked out prior to the March 2020 onset of the covid-19 pandemic may not be renewed online. The renewal is denied with the message: RENEWAL NOT ALLOWED. You may be able to check these out again by contacting the appropriate Circulation Desk.
Some Oberlin College Library materials, such as periodicals and many books, have a limit to the number of online renewals. The renewal is denied with the message: TOO MANY RENEWALS. You may be able to re-check these out in person at the appropriate Circulation Desk.
OhioLINK books may have up to six renewals. SearchOhio items may have up to three renewals. Subsequent renewal attempts are denied with the message: TOO MANY RENEWALS
Some media materials from OhioLINK and SearchOhio may not be renewed. The renewal is denied with the message: RENEWAL NOT ALLOWED.
If another user is waiting for an item, it may not be renewed. For Oberlin items, the renewal is denied with the message: ON HOLD. For OhioLINK items, the renewal is denied with the message: "Renewal denied: Item needed at owning library".
Some items are not yet renewable because the due date is too far in the future. The renewal is denied with the message: TOO SOON TO RENEW. To renew the item, try hitting "renew" again closer to the due date for the item.
Contact the circulation staff at the Libraries if you have any questions or for more information.
Please try to return your library material before you leave campus for an extended period of time, once you are finished using it, or after you have been asked to return it because the loan period is exhausted or it is needed by another user. This helps us get it back on the shelf quickly for other users.
You may return material from all branch libraries to Mary Church Terrell Main Library.
When the Main Library is open, return all materials to the Circulation Desk.
When the Main Library is closed, use the book drop at the top of the ramp that leads to the entrance. If the book drop is full, please return materials to the Campus Safety Office in Dascomb Hall.
The Science Library book drop is in the walkway on the east wall of the Science Center.
Conservatory Library items may be returned to the book drop in the hallway near the Con Library entrance or the Terrell Main Library.
The Art Library book drop is beside the main entrance to the library.
While normal wear and tear is to be expected, we will bill users for repair costs caused by unusual or deliberate damage to materials (such as underlining, writing in the margins, missing pages, damage from liquid or food), up to and including the cost of replacing the item.
Please do not put any of the following items in bookdrops and instead return them to the appropriate circulation desk: Electronics, headphones, DVDs or other items in plastic cases, damaged or fragile items without boxes.