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Terrell Main Library

10am - 6pm

Terrell Fourth Floor

10am - 6pm

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10am - 6pm

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Terrell Research Help Desk (Semester Evening)


Libraries Administrative Office


Azariah's Cafe

10am - 4pm



Mary Church Terrell Main Library
148 W College St. Oberlin, OH 44074-1545


The main visitor lot is the east Service Building lot, and the south row of the Carnegie Building lot for visitors to offices within that building.

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Recall Items

If the Library's copy of an item is checked out, a user may place a recall request. However, we ask that users try to obtain the item through OhioLINK before recalling a book when possible.

Notification of Recall

We notify borrowers via email when an item they have checked out has been recalled and what the new due date is.

What if a book I really need is recalled from me?

Don’t ignore the recall. Contact circulation staff immediately at the branch library of the item to discuss the options.  We need to balance the needs of all of our users when handling competition for materials.


Borrowers are fined $10/day overdue up to a maximum of $50. Fines stop accruing at the moment the book is returned or when the borrower brings a problem to our attention. 


All borrowers are billed for the replacement and processing costs of the item when it becomes two weeks overdue, in addition to the existing $50 fine.

Further Penalties

Should we determine that the failure to return a recalled book is a deliberate violation of community standards on sharing of library materials, we may pursue further sanctions. For students, we may file judicial charges.

For college employees, the Director of Libraries may refer the matter to the appropriate supervisor or divisional dean. We suspend the borrowing privileges of courtesy borrowers at the time of billing.

The policy has been endorsed by the Director of Libraries and the General Faculty Library Committee.