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Check It Out: Young Naturalist's Pop-Up Handbooks: Beetles and Butterflies

April 04, 2024

Pop-up design of an illustrated colorful beetle on a page of a book discussing its anatomy.
Pop-up mechanism in Young Naturalist's Pop-Up Handbook: Beetles

Robert Sabuda and Matthew Reinhart are two renowned creators of elaborate pop-up books. The Clarence Ward Art Library has two of Sabuda and Reinhart’s collaborations in our collection of pop-up books: Young Naturalist’s Pop-Up Handbook: Beetles and Young Naturalist's Pop-Up Handbook: Butterflies. These delightfully informative books contain brilliant and shiny feats of paper engineering, with tabs that reveal beetle guts and wings that flutter when pages are turned.

How Do I Access These Materials?

Both of Sabuda and Reinhart's books are library use only materials. However, anyone can request to view these titles, as well as many other pop-up books. Please contact Art Library staff at 440-775-8635 for more information.