Today’s Hours:

All Hours & Directions

Terrell Main Library

8am - 12am

Circulation Desk

8am - 12am

Research Help Desk

10am - 12pm. 1pm - 5pm

Terrell Research Help Desk-semester evening

7pm - 9pm

Libraries Administrative Office

8:30am - 5pm

Azariah's Cafe

8am - 5pm

CIT Help Desk

8am - 8pm



Mary Church Terrell Main Library
148 W College St. Oberlin, OH 44074-1545


The main visitor lot is the east Service Building lot, and the south row of the Carnegie Building lot for visitors to offices within that building.

Terrell Main Library Floor Plans

Floor Plans

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Videos, DVDs, CDs & CD-ROMS

Loan periods

  • Most videos and DVDs have a seven-day loan period; some videos and DVDs are library use only.
  • All CDs and CD-ROMs are library use only.

In-house use

The Art Library has a video/DVD viewing room that accommodates two to three people. The room also houses legacy computers for older CD-ROMs.

DVDs can also be viewed on selected public workstations with headphones (ask at the Circulation Desk).

Individual and Classroom Use

Videos and DVDs are available for individual and classroom use in accordance with the College's interim policy on showing videos and films

To find videos and DVDs, use the Videos/DVDs tab in OBIS.

Blank search tab for videos and DVDs in OBIS, screenshot.